• We got ourselves a van!

    Last year we finaly did it! We bought a van.

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  • Simple Scaling with Redis Lists

    Keeping It Simple

    Although simple and powerful, it’s no secret that relational databases have their limitations. So what happens when simple doesn’t cut it, and your relational database falls short? You might try throwing more servers at it, reaching for replication, or load balancing which would assist in scaling read-intensive operations. But how would you go about scaling write-intensive operations?

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  • How to generate BarCode in Laravel

    In this post, i will try to learn you laravel barcode generator example. You will learn how to save generate bar code in laravel. Here, i will create a very basic example of picqer/php-barcode-generator laravel php.

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  • Disabling Personal Teams in Laravel 8 and Jetstream

    I’ve started building a new portal for work, after many iterations we have settled on Laravel 8 and Jetstream.

    The biggest annoyance so far has been a personal team getting created for every single user. We don’t want these unused entries clogging up the database, as we will consider a team as a company that we transact with.

    Removing them is quite easy, so let’s dive right in.

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  • Keep controllers clean by using form requests in Laravel

    Most people use form requests solely for validation, but they can also help to keep your controllers clean. Here’s how it’sused in Mailcoach.

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  • Date/Time input fields

    Safari 14.1 (shipping this week) also added support for Date & Time form controls.

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  • Alpine JS v3

    Alpine JS v3

    Alpine version 3.0 will be coming soon! There is going to be an Alpine Day online event where the creator, Caleb Porzio, will be talking about some new things coming to Alpine as well as pushing the new version live!

    In this quick post, you can learn about some of the new features and how you can stay up-to-date about the latest version and the new release.

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  • PHP Guidelines

    Code style must follow PSR-1, PSR-2 and PSR-12. Generally speaking, everything string-like that’s not public-facing should use camelCase. Detailed examples on these are spread throughout the guide in their relevant sections.

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  • Oh my zsh

    I spend a lot of my day in the terminal, and my shell of choice is Zsh — a highly customizable Unix shell that packs some very powerful features. I’m always looking for ways to type less and to automate all the things. Luckily this is something that Zsh lends itself well to.

    In this post, you will find commands, plugins, aliases and tools that will save you some keystrokes and make you more productive in your day-to-day work.

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  • Better deletion of files & folders with Trash

    Ever got to the point when you did a rm delete-me.txt and then realized you made a mistake by deleting this file. Luckily we have a Recycle bin right? Well we have, but the delete-me.txt file is not in it obviously, rm completely removes the file from your computer.

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  • Version control

    All our projects use Git, all with a repository hosted on GitHub. Since we’re a small team, and most projects have only two people working on it simultaneously, we have pretty loose Git guidelines since we rarely bump into conflicts.

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  • Type-hinting PHP 7/8

    Besides naming variables properly, you should use type hinting in order to make your code more readable. Don’t use $project for an id, instead use “int $projectId”.

    I guess a picture makes it more clear:

    carbon (1)

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  • My current setup (begin 2021 edition)

    I often get questions about which editor, font or color scheme i’m using. Instead of replying to those questions individually i’ve also, like many others, decided to just write down the settings and apps that i’m using.

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  • Deploy your Laravel app from scratch

    So you’ve got a Laravel application and you’re ready for the world to see it? Then this series is for you!

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  • Better Laravel / PHP Code: five guidelines from Spatie

    YouTube star Povilas Korop shares and discusses five rules from Spaties guidelines.

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